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Welcome to Jharkhand State Open University - Admission Open BBA & M.COM & BCA & B.COM & BSC(IT)


The aims and objectives of the University are:

  • To provide educational opportunities to those who are unable to take up formal education and are yet desirous to upgrade their educational qualification and acquire state of the art knowledge in various fields of learning through correspondence course, contact programmes at study centres and other means of mass communication, likeradio, satellite, and electronic & digital mode
  • To provide flexibility in enrolment to various courses of higher education in matters, like, age of entry, choice of courses, methods of learning, conduct of examination, operation of programmes etc.
  • To offer PG Diploma, Diploma and Certificate courses in different disciplines of learning and to provide facilities for research and advance learning.
  • To disseminate knowledge and to undertake activities for advancement of Art, Education, Literature, Science and Technology.
  • To provide special facilities through distance mode of education to individuals and groups, like elderly people, in-service personnel, housewives, people living in remote areas, socially disadvantaged people and others to upgrade their skill and to acquire higher academic qualifications.
  • To lay emphasis on introduction and teaching of vocational as well as conventional courses, leading to award of PG Diploma, Diploma and Certificates.
  • To create awareness for self-sufficiency and act as a catalyst to equip people with knowledge and higher qualification to enable them to become suitable for new job opportunities.
  • To provide modern courses in Rural, Agricultural, Industrial and Commercial disciplines to meet people's aspirations in these areas.
  • To design learning material in a manner which may lead to improvement in socioeconomic conditions of the general masses.
  • To bring awareness in women, children, and downtrodden about their social rights, duties and legal status in the society.
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