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Welcome to Jharkhand State Open University - Admission Open BBA & M.COM & BCA & B.COM & BSC(IT)

Admission Procedure forFirst YearStudents

Online Admission Procedure The first thing is to buy a copy of latest University Prospectus either from the University's sale counter or from any of its study centers. After having purchased the Prospectus, the concerned student should select the course and subject of his/her choice and should, then, fill up the Admission Form. The admission form is available at Chancellor Portal with Online Admission Procedure. Online registration details are available on the University website:

  1. Candidates seeking online admission to various courses of Jharkhand State Open University are required to first register online.
  2. Kindly read the instructions for ready reference and follow the guidelines while creating the user name and passwords. Also fill the correct information.
  3. On the landing Page (the webpage which opens after you click on the Admission link) please click on “New Admission” button.
  4. Candidate can save the form in draft mode and can login again for completing and submitting it.
  5. For submission of the form, filling up of Captcha is a must.
  6. Applicant shall choose the Course in which she/he wishes to apply based on the eligibility. The applicant is advised to check the eligibility of the Courses before making a choice
  7. Candidate can take admission in only one course. There is no provision for applying in multiple courses.
  8. While filling up the form it is suggested to scan clearly the following documents as per the size given below: . Candidate's passport size photo : Max. 50 kb a . Candidate's Signature (in English) : Size b Max. 30 Kb Candidate's Signature (In Hindi) : Size c. Max. 30 Kb Copy of Mark Sheets : Size Max 100 Kb. d. 20. In the mandatory upload section, the applicant has to upload clear scanned document of the following: . Passport size photograph of the applicant. a . Scanned signature of the applicant in b English & Hindi . Self-attested copy of qualifying examination Marks-sheet.
  9. Please note that it is not compulsory to fill up the entire Application at one go, candidate can preserve already filled up information by saving the form in the draft mode and later on can complete and submit it.
  10. Application can be saved in the draft mode by clicking on “Save As Draft” button, doing so will allow the information already entered to be saved.
  11. Before submitting, candidate can preview the filled up application by Clicking on “Preview” button.
  12. User / Candidate can change or edit information in the Application as long as the Application is not submitted. Once the application is submitted candidate cannot change or edit or modify the information. For any correction in the application form the candidate will have to visit Jharkhand State Open University Ranchi. Therefore candidates are advised to check the form carefully before final submission.
  13. After final submission of Application form the Candidate will be taken to Payment page. Candidates are required to pay the requisite fee online through this portal only.
  14. Only Paid Applications will be accepted for further processing.
  15. All payments will be online payment through Admission portal. Amount cannot be altered.
  16. Payment is not refundable.
  17. Candidates will be provisionally registered for admission, subject to the eligibility criteria and verification of passing certificate/mark sheet.
  18. Candidate shall take the print out of the admission form and keep it with them for future reference. Candidate will have to come to Jharkhand State Open University headquarters, Ranchi on the given date for verification of original mark sheet/certificates. The dates for documents verification will be informed though SMS/E-mail/website.
  19. The applicant will be solely responsible for providing information in the application form. In case of any discrepancy found during verification of the documents the application may be subject to rejection.

Documents required at the time of admission

Documents required at the time of admission, the following documents will be required in original, along with their attested photocopy, for authentication of the documents submitted by the candidates.

  1. Original mark-sheet of the examination prescribed by the University as the minimum qualification for seeking admission in the concerned course.
  2. The original certificate of matriculation examination for proof of age.
  3. The original copy of the caste certificate. Admission will not be granted without comparison and verification of photocopy of mark-sheet /certificate with original documents. The original documents will be returned to the candidates immediately after verification and comparison with the attested photocopy. The attested photocopy of the documents will be kept by the University for Record.
  4. Two ticket size colored photographs of the candidate. One ticket-size photograph will be needed for fixation on the Admission cum-Registration Form at the space provided. Another photograph will be pasted on Examination Application Form. These must be self-attested photographs of the students seeking admission.
  5. The candidates selected for admission must pay the prescribed course fee in full at the time of admission itself and fill all other forms and documents as required by the University, such as, Admission-cumApplication Form, Application Form for appearing in the Examination, etc. The course fee for various programmes, is given.
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